Sunday 26 June 2016

Dealing with Anxiety and Confidence Issues

I've decided to do something slightly different for this blog post, as I never normally address serious issues. Mental health. So many thoughts appear with those two words, and I'm here to share my own experiences.
Mental health seems to be a hot topic with the rise of social media and the constant scrutiny and judgement we face in our everyday lives. Personally, from around 14 years old I had confidence issues as well as up until recently, crippling anxiety.
What many people don't realise is that people with these issues aren't asking for attention. In fact it's the complete opposite. For me, I was perfectly fine with getting the bus on my own, shopping on my own or just being independent. However, the anxiety would kick in at random times, before school, before answering the phone, putting my hand up in class. Stupid little things which I felt I didn't need to worry about. I used to say that I worry about worrying and alongside the mental effects there were physical symptoms too.
Now, don't get me wrong, I was doing well in school, I had and still have a stable family life and have many positive things in my life that I'm grateful for. This is one of the reasons I've always been confused as to why I suffer from the anxiety and confidence issues.

Although it's not as bad now, my anxiety used to consume a large chunk of my life. I would dread certain things and not allow myself to gain new experiences because of it. Describing my anxiety would be: racing heartbeat, sweating, the undeniable feeling of dread alongside socially excluding myself. It's a horrible feeling that feels inescapable.

I have tried many different ways to deal with the anxiety. I've watched endless YouTube videos, read a teen help book and watch TV programmes - all of which have helped in their own way.
Ways I have discovered that help:

1. What's the worse that can happen?
I often ask myself this question as I'm someone who thinks the absolute worst that can happen. For example, if you're nervous about a job interview think to yourself: what's the worst that can happen? You mess up? You say the wrong thing? You don't get the job? But, it's not the end of the world. All you have to do is pick yourself up and try again, think of it as character building.

2. Re-evaluate the kind of people you have in your life
If you find yourself getting anxiety around certain people in your life, or the anxiety started since they came into your life, maybe it's time you re-evaluate whether they're the kind of people you want to be around. The only people you need in your life are those who love and care for you and make you feel good about yourself. Anyone who makes you feel any less than that doesn't deserve your time of day.

3. Find something you're passionate about and stick with it
For me blogging and fashion as well as beauty was my escape. I could get lost for hours (literally!) watching beauty tutorials, reading fashion magazines and finding ways to develop and better my blog. It was my creative outlet which gave me just a tiny bit of escape from my constant worrying. If you find something that you're interested in: swimming, drawing, sport - stick to it! Pursue it! Use it as an escape!

I hope I've managed to give you an insight as to what it's like having anxiety and confidence problems. Admittedly I am so much better than I used to be which is a great feeling. Use the tips I've given you and know you're not alone.


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